Friday, May 28, 2010

Workshop, May 22nd

We had an excellent workshop at Clover on Saturday morning, May 22nd and we added three new members to our club which brings the number up to 24.

It was a beautiful day and I hope those who participated had a good time. We got all kinds of work done on trees of all shapes and sizes, did some leaf stripping, wiring, repotting and shared a lot of knowledge.

I also gave out new membership cards to all who were paying members of the society and will do the same at our next meetings.
The photos above are from the workshop but I am still trying to figure out how to label them and put them in proper order for the post.
I look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday evening, June 9th, 7PM to 9PM at Clover Garden Center. Doc Stone will be giving a short presentation on pinching. Bring trees you want to work on, need advice on or just want to show off.
When you are at Clover, check out their nice display on bonsai supplies to include wire, cut paste, soils, tools and other things.
Have a great Memorial Day weekend and stay safe.
Tom De Simone
Bonsai Society of South Jersey