Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Anyone need some snow?

We got about 20 inches.
At least Coco likes it!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Japanese Cherry: Winter Carving!

This old Japanese Cherry belongs to an old friend who had to relocate to the West Coast for work, so I am the designated 'bonsai nanny'.


The tree had previously had some carving done, and several major branches removed. I decided to clean all this up, and get some preservative on it.
Deciduous look better when the carving results in holes, partly-hollowed trunks, etc. Jins sticking out do not look as good on deciduous as on coniferous, and they will not last nearly as long in the weather.

Spent about 6 hours getting rid of the lobbed-off limb on the upper left, and the gray partly-carved main branch at top center of the tree. The resulting hollowed areas will be left to over-winter, and some more preservative will be applied in the spring of 2K11.



Additional work is also needed on the branches. A structure is started, but it will take perhaps 5-7 years to build it out to a foliage mass that is appropriate for this beautiful tree.
That foliage mass will also support wonderful flowers in the spring!


Merry Christmas!

Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

About Time

Sorry it took me so long to publish photos from the party. I got swamped with some other things and then I was debating on if I should get people's permission. Anyway,
here we go, Photos from a great party. Thank you again Karen and Mike. I think a very nice time was had by all.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Walter Pall at Natures Way

Walter Pall was back at Jim Doyles' Dec. 3-4-5. Several BSSJ folks took advantage and joined in the workshop. Walter discussed all trees brought by attendees, and made some very good recommendations for styling, carving, potting, etc.

Jim Doyle is an expert on Maples, and discussed several "killer" Maples he has been growing.

Here he is sharing comments on this old Rocky Mountain Juniper.

This Rocky Mountain Juniper was collected several years ago, and has been growing nicely at Natures Way. Walter discussed how the foliage could be made more compact, so the beautiful deadwood would be more visible.

Walter discussed removal of scraggly branches on this wonderfully twisted Ponderosa Pine.

this one is well over 800 years, and you can see the beautiful twisting deadwood & live vein.

Walter was in middle of explaining one point when one of Jim's dogs wandered into the area. One workshop attendee had a pastry, laying on the bench behind his back, while he listened to Walter. The dog spied the goodie, and you can see the result.

Walter almost burst out laughing, and we who saw it howled!

We worked on this old Spruce, collected up in the Rockies. It is well over 1000 years old, and is loaded with beautiful deadwood.

Walter will be back in Spring 2K11. I have received a number of valuable bits of information from Walter, which have improved my understanding of bonsai, and of my trees.

I highly recommend attendance at Walter's workshops. He is a wealth of knowledge!
