Friday, April 23, 2010

WoodStock 3: Walter pall at Natures' Way

...So Doc Stone and I journeyed up to Jim Doyles' today. Had our Starbucks, and enjoyed an early morning walk thru the nursery.
Turns out Walter P. was prevented from being there by the Iceland volcano...his apologies!
BUT...all the collected trees were there! Lowest priced tree was $50 (a nice Engleman Spruce literati). Lots of Rocky Mountain Junipers, Ponderosa Pine, Limber Pine, and Lodgepole Pine.

Everyone had a chance to work on trees that were anywhere from 50 years old to perhaps 800-1000 years old...some unbelievable deadwood, twisted trunks, etc.

Doc and I came away happy with a bit of sunburn and 4-5 trees each!


  1. Flex,

    Looks great. Sorry I missed it. I have to get out there sometime soon. Will Walter Pall be rescheduled? Will you bring any of your new trees to the workshop?


  2. At this time Walter is thinking of maybe something in the Fall, but certainly next spring, as long as the Icelandic volcanoes cooperate!
    The trees I picked up are back in the grow area for a year...I don't touch them. This is so I can learn them first. This way, when they are ready, I am also.
    Workshop should be fun...see you all there!
